About Christelle

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So far Christelle has created 49 blog entries.

The 5th scientific deliverable on the pretreatment of McCain co-products is available

The partners of the LOOP4PACK project are pleased to announce that the deliverable D1.1, "Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) Production from Potato Peels - Pretreatment of McCAIN By-Products" is finalized. The full document is available here. An abstract is available here.

2022-07-25T10:04:15+02:00April 30th, 2022|

The 4th scientific deliverable of the project is finished!

The partners of the LOOP4PACK project are pleased to announce that the D4.5 deliverable, “1st LCA coupled with valorization chain design and economic study”, is finished the results were presented to all the partners on 14/02/2022 and the final document was sent to all partners on the 04/04/2022. This deliverable was written by Etienne Paul (INSA-TBI), Frédéric Merle (Euramaterials) et Estelle Grousseau (UM-IATE). An abstract is available here. [...]

2022-07-22T16:02:49+02:00April 4th, 2022|

Loop4Pack present during SFGP Zoom

During the webinar "Agro and Bio resources" organized by the SFGP (Société Française De Génie Des Procédés) section Grand Sud-Ouest, Estelle Doineau - UM-IATE - made a presentation entitled "Valorization of agri/agro by-products for the production and formulation of microbial polyesters for applications in food packaging". The LOOP4PACK project was developed for its contribution on the impact of synthesis, extraction/purification and processing on the functional properties of PHBV-based [...]

2022-07-22T16:23:36+02:00March 25th, 2022|

2nd annual meeting of the project

All the partners finally met face to face on February 14 and 15, 2022 in Toulouse on the INSA site for the 2nd annual meeting. On the agenda, scientific presentations, discussions, visit of the laboratories of the TBI Symbiose team and the technical hall of the CRITT Bio-Industries. Thanks to INSA for the organization. And thank you all for this very constructive moment of share for the project! [...]

2022-07-22T15:49:56+02:00February 14th, 2022|

Welcome to Estelle Doineau

Estelle Doineau joined the LOOP4PACK project as a post-doctoral fellow at UMR IATE in November 2021. She took the opportunity to be part of this project, from the synthesis of PHAs to the development of eco-responsible materials in the packaging application, to strengthen her skills and knowledge in this very rich field. Her role will be to implement and characterize the PHAs produced by the project partners and [...]

2021-12-13T12:35:31+01:00November 17th, 2021|

Participation of LOOP4PACK in the International Workshop on PHA in Valencia

Mattéo Castiello – TBI – had the honor of taking part in the 7th Mixed Microbial Culture PHA, Properties and Applications Workshop, in Valencia (Spain) giving a presentation entitled “P(3HB-co-3HV) production under carbon and phosphorus-limited conditions in non-axenic two-stage continuous culture”.

2022-10-17T10:21:52+02:00September 21st, 2021|

The 3rd scientific deliverable of the project is finished!

The partners of the LOOP4PACK project are pleased to announce that the D2.1 deliverable, "Separation and purification of PHA: detailed protocol and influence of the method on the PHA recovery yield and purity and molar mass", is finished and has been sent to all partners on the 30/07/2021. This deliverable was written by Fanny Allayaud (INSA-CRITT Bio-Industries) and validated by Elise Blanchet (INSA-CRITT Bio-Industries), an abstract is available [...]

2021-12-13T12:34:36+01:00July 30th, 2021|

Welcome Fanny Allayaud

Fanny Allayaud joined the LOOP4PACK project in January 2020. She is in charge of task 2 concerning the extraction and purification of PHA produced in task 1. We welcome her in the team! Fanny is a Biotechnology Engineer graduated in 2015 from the Polytechnic University of Marseille. She has an expertise in protein purification. Recruited at the CRITT in February 2019, she has worked on various R&D projects, [...]

2020-06-05T12:12:38+02:00January 6th, 2020|
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